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Lesson Three - Perimeter

Welcome to lesson 3 where we will be learning all about perimeter.  First watch the youtube below which I hope the song will get stuck in your head!

Next use the link below to a math dictionary to find the definition of perimeter, write this definition in your maths book.  You can practice finding the perimeter of rectangles here too.  Look up the meanings for the words "perimeter', 'peri' and 'meter' online to find out the meaning behing the word.  Google and wikepedia are good places to start.

Find a friend and go out into the yard.  You will need to walk around the perimeter of the basketball courts.  What other perimeters could you think of to walk around, bring your ideas to our group discussion.

If you have time click below to check your understanding.  At first check the box to draw only regtangle shapes.  If you feel like a challenge uncheck it.

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