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Lesson Seven & Eight - Design your bedroom

We are now at the exciting part of our webquest.  You can now design your dream bedroom.

Design Brief:

Using graph paper, word document or your choice of presentation design your dream bedroom while sticking to the following rules:


(1)  The Perimeter of your room must be 16 metres.

(2) You must include a bed for sleeping, cupboard for clothes you choose everything else!

(3) You must leave 3 square metres clear for safety reasons and have a clear exit to the door



You will need to show all working out for the perimeter of your room and totoal area and area of items included in your room.  You decide how to show me this working out.


Please make sure your working can be easily linked to your room design and that it is easy to read.  



Need some help ask and answer questions below.  I will be checking your questions during the lesson and responding as well.




Watch the video and click on the links below for some more ideas and help.  Many catalogues have the sizes of beds and furniture.  See if you can find some of your own at home or online.

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